Wednesday 8 June 2011

My 3D Animation

I based my animation on a house roam. My idea came from researching the TV series the Simpson's. I firstly made a TV that a had a short part of a Simpson's episode, i had to change this when my work got deleted, I then changed my idea into a house roam, this is where the camera will move around the house in a human movement through the rooms that I have created. I used standard primitives the simply edited some of then so I had the desired effective object I wanted. I used household appliances textures I had found on an Internet site to texture my appliances, I then got textures from the Internet to texture my wood workings( cupboards and doors) and textures to use for my walls and floors. I was not pleased with some of them because they were too unrealistic, some of most of the wallpaper textures looks to big for the wall, this is where i should have put the texture into photoshop and have made a better texture the make a better effect of wallpaper. I then began work on the furniture in the other rooms, I made these by using standard primitives and using such tools as turbo smooth found on 3Ds Max software. i had a problem with some of the textures because some of them didn't show up when I tried rendering the scene. I next used a free camera and set it to the appropriate high need to make it look eye level of a average human, I move the camera around the scene, I made the camera move by it self by using the animation bar in 3Ds Max, I used key tool to make each frame a key frame to the others, by moving the camera on each key frame it enabled the camera to move freely through the house without jerkiness, I am happy at how this went because it looked like realistic human movement.  I could have created my own textures for the house and the furniture appliances. I am pleased with the overall animation as it was as I planned, the animation looked like it should as I compared it to the storyboard i used to plan it. There are some weaknesses with the animation with that there are some faults in the building itself, if i had more time I would have gone back to that and changed it so it wasn't clear to see. Overall i enjoyed this project and was a good experience into 3D animation.

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