Tuesday 2 November 2010


*Does the end product match your original intentions?
My end desktop nearly matches my original design. the path that the pac-man take has turned into the map of the salts building, I have made the map on 3ds Max. I also made pac-man and the 4 ghosts on 3ds Max. I changed the Shipley college logo into a logo that suit my desktop better. overall my end product matches my original intention, however some of the object have been moved around.

*Is the end product appropriate for your intended audience – who was this – age groups, gender?
My target audience was from young school children to adults. these age ranges are suitable for this production because all these age will know what the desktop images will be about also it is not targeted to one age range. Also this desktop is for both genders because it doesn't appeal to just one. I think my final desktop is appropriate to these ages and genders because it is a popular aspect, and everyone knows what it is.

*Discuss the technical aspects of your work and highlight the strengths / areas to develop
Demonstrate your knowledge of the program [P.Shop/Flash/S.Mx] you used & include 'subject terminology

This was a strong project for me because I already had knowledge in many areas, I had already used photo shop for my photograph GCSEs and I have used Flash in IT. these two programs I'm am strong in. I also used 3ds Max which I have only just started using. however I used this in my project and it went well except from a few errors in the images.
Overall this project was successful because I had no trouble in the making of this desktop, but also I had a few reports from peers which mad my work look better.

*Discuss the content / style of your work
My style of work was to do with retro/arcade. I like playing games so I thought I would incorporate this into my product theme

**What have you learnt from this experience?Overall in this project has been a good experience of what is to come later on in the course. I have enjoyed this project and I hope there is more to come. In this experience I have learnt more photo shop skills to create a good piece of work. also I have learnt to listen to others to take advise and also to give other people advise.

Desktop New

This Is my original final desktop. I had made the main design on 3Ds Max. I made it by extruding and beveling using standard primitives. I also made the Shipley college logo on photo shop. I took the original Shipley college logo and crop it down to the arch. I then got the ghost and put it under the arch.

I used a website called 1001fonts.com, this website allows you to uses over 100 fonts to make your perfect text. You choose a text font you want then type in the words what you want, you then copy and paste it into the document you are using. as above I have used a text font called arcade classic this font looks and goes well with the genre of the desktop which is retro/arcade.

I then used a brush tool to make all the background black, then used a different tool to make the yellow figures.

I then took advice from my peers, and changed the background from black with yellow figures, to yellow with a black boarder around the images.


This Is my original final desktop. I had made the main design on 3Ds Max. I made it by extruding and beveling using standard primitives. I also made the Shipley college logo on photo shop. I took the original Shipley college logo and crop it down to the arch. I then got the ghost and put it under the arch.

I used a website called 1001fonts.com, this website allows you to uses over 100 fonts to make your perfect text. You choose a text font you want then type in the words what you want, you then copy and paste it into the document you are using. as above I have used a text font called arcade classic this font looks and goes well with the genre of the desktop which is retro/arcade.

I then used a brush tool to make all the background black, then used a different tool to make the yellow figures.