Wednesday 13 October 2010

My Car

This is my car made in 3D Max using standard primitives and extruding.

Body: I used a box to create the main shape of the cars. The box had 5 height segments, 5 length segments and 5 width segments. Next I then turn the box into a editable mesh. I then used the polygon tools to select the faces I would like to raise, I clicked and dragged the faces and raised them into a position that look good for a car.
Next I used the polygon tools to highlight the front of the car, I then used the extrude tool to extrude to front of the car out to a position that is suitable for a car, I then repeated this step for the back of the car.
Next step I used the polygon tools again to highlight the bottom rim around the car, I used the extrude button to extrude the faces out so it looked like it had a bumper and side skirts.

Headlights: I used a cylinder to make the frame. I had 2 centre segments, I used the polygon tool to highlight the centre polygons I then enlarged the centre cylinder then extruded it, I then shrink the centre polygon then extruded it again, then shrink it again to make the headlights.

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