Thursday 30 September 2010

Professional 3D Max Production

This is a professional 3D Max production.
I am going to compare this to my house that I atempted on 3D Max.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

3D Max Castle

This is my 3D Max castle.
the castle was made be using standard primitives, I then clicked EDGED FACES and then turn it into and EDITABLE MESH. In the editable mesh section you could use different operations to form/deform your standard primitive shape. We used vertex, edges, faces and polygons to create this castle.
we used the polygon tool to raise the battle towers, we raised the battle towers by using a tool called extrude, this enable you to lift and drop and part of the shape that you have selected.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Tuesday 21 September 2010



General Greivous

general greivous

Assassins Creed 3D Art

Assassins Creed 3D Art

Fallout Power Fist

Power Fist

Unit 19 Desktop Collage

This is a collage of a desktop project we did. this project include different genres, War, Sci-Fi, Horror, and Fantasy.
We cut out images that represented these different genres out of magazines, we then stuck them onto a A3 piece of paper to create a desktop image.

Thursday 16 September 2010

This is my blog. Im going to be showcasing my work that i have created thoughout the entire course. I hope to acheive my grades im all my work to be able to then go on to university. I would then like to get into a game industry in the UK or USA.

Star Wars Unleashed Concept Art

This is a picture of Star Wars Unleashed Concept Art from .  I like this art because it shows a part of the storyboard that will have been made to produce the game. This concept art shows the artistic intelligence of what a profetional concept artist will produce in comparisen to some of my standards when startin this course.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Abstract Man Using 3D Max

This is a render of what I have made in 3D Max. I only use shape like boxes and cylinders to create this scene. This is my first attempt with 3D Max and this is what is have created. I re sized, rotated and moved these shape then I rendered it to make I final picture. I enjoyed using 3D Max because you can play around and create thing you want and it doesn't matter what it look like as a first attempt.
This image came from 
Mafia II is one of my favorite games I have played. It is realistic and tell a story about what happened in the mafia in the 1940's. the game shows detail and perfect special effects. Mafia II uses detail for all it 3D modeling. For example when you scratch a car the scratches look realistic and not an over the top smash. when using guns, when firing the impact of the guns firing is realistic with time lengh and blood splatter.